Talks and Publications

Roman Garcia, S., Welsh, C., Di Cara, N. H., Sterratt, D., Romano, N., & Stefan, M. I. (2024). Data Hazards as an ethical toolkit for neuroscience.

Abstract: The Data Hazards framework (Zelenkaet al., 2024) is intended to encouragethinking about the ethical implications of data science projects. It takes the formof community-designed data hazard labels, similar to warning labels on chemicals,that can encourage reflection and discussion on what ethical risks are associatedwith a project and how they can be mitigated. In this article, we explain howthe Data Hazards framework can apply to neuroscience. We demonstrate howthe hazards can be applied to one of our own projects, on the computationalmodelling of postsynaptic mechanisms.

Roman Garcia, & Steele. (2023). Open Science & Reproducibility: The Turing Way Workshop.

Presented at Newcastle University’s conference from 6-7 March 2023: “Data Science Perspectives - Multidisciplinary PhD Conference”.

Kuwertz E., Zelenka N., Hanschke V., Di Cara N., Bennet E., Kherroubi Garcia I., Roman Garcia, S., (2023). Data Hazards v1.0: an open-source vocabulary of ethical hazards for data-intensive projects.

Description: This paper presents the Data Hazards project, which contains a shared, controlled vocabulary of 11 data. Similarly to chemical hazard labels, the Data Hazards serve as a warning of a potential risk, and encourage; description: The labels were co-created as an open-source project, where they will continue to evolve over time with; description: : a mismatched vocabulary and a lack of an accessible structure for discussions.; title: Data Hazards v1.0: an open-source vocabulary of ethical hazards for data-intensive projects; description: The use of data-intensive methods for tasks which impact peoples’ lives continues to accelerate.

Roman Garcia, S., (2023) Ethical Standards and Reproducibility of computer models in Neurobiology, Open Life Sciences.

You can watch the recorded live session, where me and other OLS-6 participants present the projects we worked on during our time at OLS.

Roman Garcia, S. (2023). Enrichment scheme reflections. Women in High Performance Computing.

I was invited by Women in High Performance Computing to write a guest blog post on my experience as an enrichmment student, which you can find in their website here.

Roman Garcia, S., Sterratt, D., & Stefan, M. I.(2022). Thinking about Ethics in (Computer) Science, Edinburgh College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine Good Practice Showcase.

You can watch the recording here, and access slides here.